How to make a Resume online: step by step form filling guide.
Looking for a free and quick way to create a professional resume? In this video tutorial we'll show you how to fill out the form step by step and generate an ATS-friendly CV in minutes!
You'll see that you don't need to pay or even register for it. This video is a part of our How to create a professional CV tutorials chain.
In this video we'll go through all fields and content blocks of the form and add all required information, including a summary, education, work experience, skills and languages. I'll show you some useful tools and tips which could help you to make user experience more pleasant.
I want to remind you that even after Submitting the form, you can go back on Form page and improve already generated resume with some additional information.
Also on the final step you can see the PDF preview of your resume performed in different designs and choose the one you like the most. Or not only one. You can download all of them if it's hard to make a choice, or print them. For now the available download format is PDF.
We hope you'll find this video useful.
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